The moment has just arrived where 5GB of memory in A10 500Mh/s 5GB devices will run out in 4 weeks and they will lose the ability to dig Ethereum due to the size of the DAG file, which, according to available calculators, will exceed just that size in late August this year.
You noticed that your excavator:
- shows only 180-250Mh/s on the pools instead of 450-500Mh/s
Bring it to us and we will help you get rid of the problem and regain the performance of your excavator.
What this service includes:
-Cleaning the device.
–RAM memory bone -RAM.
-Increase the productivity of your machine!
We offer memory replacement for A10 500Mh, A10 720Mh, A10 750Mh devices, among others.
5G to 6G 6000 AED gross
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